Our films
- Tips & Techniques for Demo Plots on Fertilizer use in India
- The Power of Potash
- Using the Power of Digital Technology
- Sharing Fertilizer News & Evidence at Farmer Meetings
- Our Work in India
- Potash for Life in India at a Glance
- Potash improves crop yield, quality, plant protection and farm income
- Potash for Life – advertisement in Bengali for West Bengal
Sharing Fertilizer News & Evidence at Farmer Meetings
With important news and evidence to share with farmers you have to be smart about how you show it. Holding farmer meetings can help.
In our work across nine states of India, with the Potash for Life initiative, our advisors and agronomists hold hundreds of farmer meetings a year. From an informal gathering by a roadside through to an organised conference with hundreds of farmer guests, our attention to detail is the same.

Vaibhav Mohod, Potash for Life agronomist Maharashtra, enjoys building relationships with the farmers he invites.
Invited speakers, compelling stories, latest evidence, handouts, engaging quizzes and competitions and desirable prizes – part of the list of what we harness to share the message that potash is a powerful and effective fertilizer giving significant yield increases.
From the Field
Vaibhav Mohod: “The thing I most enjoy about working with Potash for Life as an agronomist is the culture and mutual understanding that is built between the farmers we serve and us as their agronomists. It’s the combination of his farmer knowledge with what we can add about how to use potash fertilizer. From that I get a lot of satisfaction.

Dr Bansal, Potash for Life Director, steers the work of two hundred agronomists to hold hundreds of farmer meetings a year in nine states of India.
I meet them in their fields, I see them again at meetings and then have the pleasure of seeing their crops grow better with what they have learned about potash. From that I’m very happy.”
Dr Bansal: “Farmers learn in all sorts of ways: in conversation, from adverts and from visits from their advisors. For me, one of the most effective ways to build their understanding is through farmer meetings.
It is important that we hold different scale meetings, some for just a few farmers with an informal discussion amongst neighbours and some that are much more grand with guest speakers from far away with inspiring things to say.
Always the message is essentially the same: that is that potash is a remarkable and essential crop nutrient. I never tire of saying or seeing the difference that it makes. It is our pleasure to serve the farmers and to help them to improve their lot.”