Our films
- Tips & Techniques for Demo Plots on Fertilizer use in India
- The Power of Potash
- Using the Power of Digital Technology
- Sharing Fertilizer News & Evidence at Farmer Meetings
- Our Work in India
- Potash for Life in India at a Glance
- Potash improves crop yield, quality, plant protection and farm income
- Potash for Life – advertisement in Bengali for West Bengal
Our Work in India
This is the story of the methods and impact of the Indian Potash Limited-supported initiative in nine states of India to encourage balanced fertilizer use by farmers.
The initiative is called Potash for Life as potash fertilizer does indeed breathe life into livelihoods through improvements in crop performance. Crop yields and farm incomes are closely connected.

Dr Bansal with soyabean plants with better roots from potash application.
Across different states with different crops, teams of agronomists are working hard to bring the advantages of using potash to as many farmers as possible.
Once a farmer sees the results, whether at a demo plot or one of the regular field days, they are quick to adopt the practice – and share it with their neighbours, friends and family.
From the Field
Dr Bansal: “The positive results of using potash are plain to see. The farmers report to us that get yield improvement of 10-15%, sometimes much more than that. When you look at the roots you can see why a plant performs better. The potash helps the root development.
It’s is no wonder that with a more powerful root system that is one of the factors that helps the plant, in this case soyabean, to grow better. The roots, the leaves, the harvest all do the talking for us!”